
Hi, im squibll. my name is jonathan, or johnny for short. I draw silly little pictures on my computer. I'm a white bi trans man and i'm 20.im a witch and im evilim trying to get back into the habit of posting regularly on my main, but i really like jojo, dragon age, and chainsaw man and retweet + post abt those things often.i draw my ocs a lot.you can find me on twitter as squibll, tumblr as squibll, and insta as squibll_
if you want to ask me anything, i have a retrospring
my commissions are: open

dni's are fucking stupid so here's a quick before you follow instead>i dont care about fandom discourse
>i dont care about online queer discourse either
>im a 'radinclus' i guess in the sense that someones label matters to them only and nobody else and you shouldnt care
>i post suggestive art sometimes and idk i think you should probably be an adult if youre following me
>left-wing, some flavor of anarchist
>i know a little bit too much /tttt/ lingo. sorry